Monthly Archives: December 2012



Writing is Sunshine

        Writing is a process, which just like you put your own pieces of life together through words to make them more delicate and in-depth. Beyond the real life, writing is more like one followed heart and to the ideological and spiritual realm in the boundless life. Writing is the sunshine for me to encourage the “photosynthesis”, which is the process to help myself think deeper and give me fresh thought. Like keep writing dairy is the sunshine for me when I feel upset or boring because writing helps me to sort out my thinking and can be a good way to narrate.

Although I define writing is the sunshine for me, I am not very into writing even afraid of it sometimes. Before take ENG112 I really worried about how can I finish the writing assignments based on my poor expression and even resistance to writing?  But after the three projects I think writing is not that bad and I kind of find my own way to organize my thought and express them through words. Those words just like a medium between your thought and the reader’s understanding. Thus, in order to make our readers having complete enough ideas the writer like me should do the expression in the best way.

What is the best way to express our thought? This will depend on different person. For me to find this way needs a long period even I didn’t find it yet but I think I am approaching it. I will find the best way sooner or later as long as I keep writing. Set up what to write is the first thing and the key to reach a good writing and then I will push myself to think deeper and deeper until I want to get a headache. Because a great writing is not based on rhetorical flourishes but the soul, which is the main thought from the writer. In the three projects I tried to deeper my thought as much as possible.  From the writings I did this semester, I improved my ability of divergent thinking and also the ability to start a paper with main topic to build a strong structure of the paper on my way to be a writer.

The first piece of my writing I put in the final portfolio is the first writing assignment in this semester. Because this was the first time I deep thought about the movie Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain although I watched this movie several times. From my point of view I think helping people is the shallow thinking based on this movie and can be easy caught but is important. After we helped people, we can share their happiness. Just like Amélie, when she describes the street, the stores, the customers, the food even the potpourri, she also can absorbs happiness from the beautiful goods. When we make them feel happy, at the same time, we also share the happiness from them. Actually, what we gained may more than what we paid. But for deeper, I need to think what’s the thing to support Amélie to help others. After close reading this movie, I recognized that we’d better to keep childlike innocence during our short life that can lead us happy and color. Her happiness is from the childlike innocence. Then after deep thinking I will consider how the thought I caught can be related to myself even improve. From this projects and thought deep thinking I may try to do the things like her, wearing smile on my face to bring good feeling to others, being ready to help anyone who need a hand, keeping my childlike innocence to find the beauty of life.

For the second piece of my writing I want to talk about my proposal for Inquiry 1 because it showed the process how can I make a topic from a “close reading material” and do brainstorm to extend the though or ideas as much broader as I can for divergent thinking, which is weakness in writing. I lack of the training about divergent thinking according most school in China do not pay much attention on it. Then when I face with some topic I will feel poor to catch up with so many ideas. What I did is to get a piece of blank paper to write the theme I chose and begin to extend my thought. No matter what I get I wrote it down, and based on each points I extend again. As a result I got a net of my thinking. Then sort the thoughts and do the outline of the paper. By using this method, I did my following assignments and it works very well. After wrote down what I found according to close reading of the movie Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain I tried to think how it relate to myself and how the points I got from close reading effect me in some ways.  So as I trying to be a writer, I improved my ability of divergent thinking.

The third piece of my writing I chosen to put in my portfolio is the argumentation about the term reading “Middlesex”. Honestly, I haven’t finish reading any English novel before and I thought this reading is truly a challenge for me to finish in two months. At the beginning, I fall behind a lot and then I think I need to improve my method of reading. Thus, I will have a look at the summary of chapters online and back to the book to read. But in the end, I still just can get the meaning roughly. After decided which part or theme of my assignment 2, I went back to the book “Middlesex” again to find the evidence or details, which can support my arguments. In this assignment, I tried to summary some background from “Middlesex” to make an interesting introduction to capture readers’ attention. This project is the one, which left me a deep impression because I had a really struggle time when I on the way to reach my final draft. But only in this way that makes you think deeper and more even push myself to do it can be key to open the “door” of writing. It is not an easy thing to be a writer to put a much stronger soul into each paper. No matter doing which writing, the soul is the first thing also the most necessary thing the writer should do. From the inquiry 2, I learned how to find a theme topic and set up the subtopics then find the details and resources. Thus, I “sew” each piece together to have a complete paper, which is strong in logical and enrich the contents with supportive details and relative resources. When I looked back what I did in the first two projects I still cannot believe I can finish it. Although doing these writing assignments gave me struggling time but it just like going up on the stairs to be a writer. It cost time and energy but it worth to be a good player with words even though I will not be a professional writer in the future, I need writing to be a tool to express my thought clear and efficiency enough.

Overall, I am very glad that I got such improvements on my English writing through this semester. When I looked back this semester I really shocked because first I finished my first novel in my second language and second I searched and read a lot resources then pick out the key points to support my arguments. Also I focused on divergent thinking this semester and I think I am a good player right now and I can apply those abilities on my other work. Nice, I come to love writing  right now!